Whenever you upload a file on a web hosting server, it takes some storage space on the hard drive dependent on its size. In the event that you manage a script-driven internet site which stores its data in a database, you will need more space, the more people work with it. For instance, in case you have a discussion board, the greater amount of opinions people leave, the bigger the database shall get. Email messages, in particular ones with attachments, also need some disk space in the web hosting account. The HDD space quota that you receive with your shared web hosting supplier is the full amount of data you may have at any given moment, which incorporates web site files, email messages as well as databases. Similarly, a PC has a hdd and the software programs installed on it as well as all docs or music files that you make or download require some storage space, which can't surpass the overall capacity of your hard drive.
Disk Space in Shared Web Hosting
All our shared web hosting plans were designed with the notion that not sufficient hard disk space should not be a thing that will stop the growth of your websites. Because of this we have applied a technique which is distinct from the one that most hosting providers apply - instead of just creating a number of accounts using a singlle server and eventually running out of hard disk space, we work with a cloud hosting platform in which the storage is taken care of by an entire collection of servers. Because of this, we can attach more machines in case they are necessary and / or more hard disks, so as to offer more disk space for all the files of our valued clients. Different clusters handle your e-mail messages as well as the databases, consequently not only will you be able to increase the size of your websites not worrying about hard drive space, but also all the servers will operate better and faster due to the fact that each and every service features its own space for storage and one server does not handle different types of files.
Disk Space in Semi-dedicated Servers
With our semi-dedicated server packages, the disk space characteristic is unrestricted, so that you can concentrate on creating your sites the way they should be and not be concerned about reaching some limit. Unlike numerous hosting providers that generate your accounts on one server, we employ an in-house built cloud platform, that allows us to supply truly limitless hdd storage for each and every account. With a single machine, there's a restricted number of hard drives which can be used, not mentioning that most of the hosting Control Panels weren't made to function with numerous servers simultaneously. Our platform, by contrast, employs clusters of servers for the site emails, databases and files, plus our in-house Hepsia Control Panel was created to work with it. We can install as many servers to all of the clusters as needed at any given time, so the hdd space is virtually limitless.
Disk Space in VPS Servers
With all of our Linux VPS plans, we provide you with plenty of disk space for all of your content that suits all of the other server capabilities, consequently a higher package includes a larger quota. You can use the storage as you see fit, because there're no pre-defined quotas for the website files, emails or databases - all of them share the overall hard disk space on the server. However, when you prefer to have some limits, you are able to buy your VPS plan with cPanel or DirectAdmin as the hosting Control Panel, and then you'll be able to generate website hosting accounts with a limited volume of hdd space for every single domain name that you host on your server. In case you require additional storage someday, you're able to easily boost your plan with a couple of mouse-clicks and then the extra features will be included with your existing account, so you will not be required to migrate anything and all of your sites will remain up and running.
Disk Space in Dedicated Servers
Using our Linux dedicated web hosting plans you will get all of the hdd space that you may need for your websites, databases, email messages and applications. Hundreds of gigabytes of storage space will be at your disposal and not shared with others, hence you are able to upload all the information you will need - website files, personal or company archive backups, etcetera. You will have at least 2 hard disks that work well in RAID, so one drive will mirror the other in real time in order to guarantee that all your important information is always protected. If you prefer, you're able to use the HDDs independent of each other and use the entire storage space the way you see fit. When necessary, you'll be able to get supplementary disks attached to the server to have even greater disk space. You'll have the option to create website hosting accounts with fixed hdd storage allocations if you order your server with cPanel or DirectAdmin for the web hosting Control Panel. Choosing Hepsia, which is the third Control Panel option on the order page, all the domain names hosted on the server will share the hard disk space and they will be controlled from one account. Either way, our dedicated packages will meet all of your needs regardless of the kind of web site you would like to host.